Wednesday 19 July 2017


Pew poll: More people in the world have confidence in Putin than Trump

Donald Trump is the fairly elected leader of the most prominent democracy in the world. Vladimir Putin is an authoritarian with a long record of punishing political allies and suppressing views divergent from his own. And yet, according to a new Pew survey of citizens in 37 countries around the world, more people have confidence in Putin to "do the right thing regarding world affairs" than say the same about Trump. Now, it's not a huge margin; 27% say they have confidence in Putin while 22% say they have confidence in Trump. Those numbers pale in comparison to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, about whom 42% say they have confidence.

Still, it's a remarkable sign of just how negatively Trump is viewed in the world. Some of that is, without doubt, personality-driven as his unapologetic brashness and America First-erism don't sit well with European world. But, as the Pew poll details, much of the distrust in Trump is born of the policies he has pursued in his first five months in office. More than seven in 10 oppose Trump's decision to withdraw from major international trade deals and his announcement that the US would pull out of the Paris climate accords.


Donald Trump = subject                                                        Is = verb
The = adverb                                                                         Fairly = adverb
Elected = adjective                                                                Leader = noun
Of = preposition                                                                    The = definite article
Most = adjective                                                                    Prominent = noun
Democracy = noun                                                                In = preposition
The = adverb                                                                         World = noun

Vladimir Putin = object                                                         Is = verb
Authoritarian = adjective                                                      With = preposition
Long = adjective                                                                   Record  = verb
Of = preposition                                                                    Punishing = adjective
Political = adjective                                                               Allies = noun
And = conjunction                                                                Suppressing = verb
Views = noun                                                                        Divergent = adjective
From = preposition                                                                His = prenoun
Own = adjective

And = preposition                                                                 Yet = adverb
More = adjective                                                                   people = noun
Have = verb                                                                           confidence = adjective
In = preposition                                                                     Putin = subject
To = preposition                                                                    do = verb
The = adverb                                                                         Right = adjective
Thing = noun                                                                         Regarding = preposition
World = noun                                                                        Affairs = noun
Than = conjunction                                                                Say = verb
The = adverb                                                                         Same = adjective
About = preposition                                                              Trump = object

Now = adverb                                                                       it's = prenoun
Not = adverb                                                                         Huge = adjective
margin = noun                                                                       Say = verb
They = prenoun                                                                     Have = verb
Confidence = adjective                                                         In = preposition
Putin = object                                                                        While = noun
Say = verb                                                                             They = prenoun
Have = verb                                                                           Confidence = adjective
In = preposition                                                                     Trump = object

Those = prenoun                                                                    Numbers = noun
Pale = adjective                                                                     In = preposition
Comparison = noun                                                               To = preposition
German = adjective                                                               Chancellor = noun
Angela Merkel                                                                       About = preposition
Whom = pronoun                                                                  Say = verb
They = prenoun                                                                     Have = verb
Confidence = adjective


Still = adjective                                                                     it's = prenoun
remarkable = adjective                                                          Sign = noun
of = preposition                                                                     Just = adjective
how = adverb                                                                        Negatively = adjective
Is = verb                                                                                Viewed = noun
In = preposition                                                                     The = adverb
World = noun

Some = adjective                                                                   Of = preposition
That = pronoun                                                                      Is = verb
Without = preposition                                                           Doubt = verb
personality-driven = noun                                                     as = adverb
his = prenoun                                                                         unapologetic = adjective
brashness = adjective                                                             and = preposition
America = noun                                                                     First-erism = noun
don't = verb                                                                           sit = verb
well = adverb                                                                         with = preposition
European = noun                                                                   World = noun

But = conjunction                                                                  As = adverb
The = adverb                                                                         Pew = subject
Poll = noun                                                                            Details = noun
Much = noun                                                                         Of = preposition
The = adverb                                                                         Distrust = verb
In = preposition                                                                     Trump = object
Is = verb                                                                                Born = adjective
Of = preposition                                                                    The = adverb
Policies = noun                                                                      He = prenoun
Has = verb                                                                             Pursued = verb
In = preposition                                                                     His = prenoun
First = adjective                                                                     Five = noun
Months = noun                                                                      In = preposition
Office = noun

More = adjective                                                                   Than = conjunction
Seven = noun                                                                         In = preposition
Oppose = verb                                                                       Decision = noun
To = preposition                                                                    Withdraw = verb
From = preposition                                                                Major = noun
International = adjective                                                       Trade = noun
Deals = verb                                                                          And = preposition
His = pronoun                                                                        Announcement = noun
That = pronoun                                                                      The = adverb
Would = adverb                                                                    Pull = verb
Out = adverb                                                                         Of = preposition
The = adverb                                                                         Paris = noun
Climate = noun                                                                      Accords = verb


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